K8's Gr8 K9s Dog Training

fun for both ends of the leash

Tiny Dog

Exclusively for dogs UNDER 15 LBS!!!

Age: Any


Temperament: Most.  Even reactive small dogs do better with dogs their own size.

What is taught:  Thru positive reinforcement, learn loose lead walking, sit, stay, come, dog to dog greeting, dog to human greeting, and how to properly socialize your dog with other dogs and humans.  We specifically address the challenges of getting a small dog to come on command, how to play with larger dogs, and what to do with any “snarky” behavior.

Why should you attend:  Small dogs are special and present special challenges.  It is particularily nice to let small dogs interact with each other. 

What do you need to bring:  Dog, 6 ft or 9 ft leash, collar or harness, excellent food treats.

6 week class